Services & Recommendations
  1. Tune-Up
    Flat Rate Varies - Normally $40-$60 - Bloatware - Registry - Cache -Defragmentation -Missing extensions - Startup - Virus removal
  2. Instructional Support
    Instructional Support
    Varies - Typically $40 flat and then $20/hr
  3. Custom Computer Build
    Custom Computer Build
    Consultation - Free Build Labor- Varies from $100 - Up Feel free to browse build examples on the website and or purchase from the store!
  4. Consultation
    - Develop - Test - Maintain - Integrate Contact for more details
  5. Misc. Service
    Misc. Service
    $40 flat and then $20/hr - Hardware Addition - Computer Installation - Networking - Data Backup - Repair
  6. Website Maintenance
    Website Maintenance
    $125/monthly recurring - Maintaining website integrity

Recommended Software

CCleaner  - File cleaning program
AVG Antivirus Free  - Virus Protection
Malwarebytes  - Malware Protection
Dropbox  - File share cross platform
Teamviewer  - Remote computer access/assistance program

Click the named programs to be redirected to the website of your choosing.